Monday, July 5, 2010

A message from our sponsors...

I've been amazed at how quickly the 'targeted adverts' in the sidebar change. Yesterday the ads were all about doing Master's degrees and "buy your assignment here" (sigh), now it's sleep solutions for baby. Technology, I am in awe of you.


  1. These interwebs are highly smartish. :)

  2. Indeed. :-)

    How are you doing, oh Grand Poobah of Web Presences?

  3. All goes well in Poobah land; always busy, but, as you say, little people make life much more rewarding. :) Sound like you're in a good place, too. Perhaps our little people are big enough to race now? :)

  4. Yay, baby race! Although admittedly Sebastian is perhaps not quite as stable on his feet as he should be before we get him started in cross-country competitions...

    Where do you live now? Vague memory (the only kind I have) tells me that you were in Subiaco (a while back), but are somewhere else now.

  5. We're in Doubleview now (although, to be fair, there's barely half a view from our bit, but that's just semantics, I guess). :)
